Welcome to Remy

Remy is a Hyde flavor which aims to be more user friendly.
None of the code is actually mine. Here where it comes from https://github.com/poole/hyde
It's under MIT license.
I only did some changes and made it easier to setup.

Can I use it?

Yeah sure, go for it. I made a simple site template just for you.

  1. Create a Github account, create a new repository and name it yourusername.github.io, go in to your repository>settings>pages, enable Github Pages using /(root).
  2. Download the site template from here and unzip it. Upload the stuff inside it to your repository by simply dragging. It should look like mine.
  3. Open config.yml and change title and baseurl. Base url needs to be your Github repository name. It should look like this https://username.github.io/

You are done. You should be able to visit your site by going into yourusername.github.io

How do I change logo and icon?

You can change logo and icon by going into public folder and changing them.

How do I change the color of the sidebar?

You can change the color by going into layouts folder. Further instructions are there in a txt file.

How do I put more stuff to the homepage?

Every post will be on the home page. Go to the posts folder. Further instructions are in there.

How do I make new sidebar pages?

Pages can be listed in the siderbar. Further instructions are in the includes folder. Check about.md in the main folder for example.

I want cool text, please?

There you go.

If you have more questions you can go here https://github.com/poole/hyde. Which applies %99 to here.